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Beaver Builder CSS Grid
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CSS Grid Examples
Defining a Grid
Line-based placement
Line-based placement shorthand – grid-row and grid-column
Line-based placement shorthand – grid-area
Line-based placement spanning tracks
Line-based placement spanning tracks with the span keyword
Line-based placement named lines
Line-based placement named lines with spans
Using repeat notation
Explicit and Implicit Grid
Defining Grid Areas
No clearing required
Redefining Grid Areas with Media Queries
Source Independence
Layering items
A grid item as a new positioning context
Grid auto-placement
Grid auto-flow column
Grid auto-placement mixed with placed items
The auto-fill keyword in repeating track definitions
Nested Grid
Implicit named grid lines
Using Order
Box alignment align-items
Box alignment justify-items
Box alignment align-self
Box alignment justify-self
minmax() in auto-fill repeating tracks
minmax() and spanning columns and rows
The auto-fill keyword with named grid lines
A simple minmax example
Aligning the Grid
Aligning the grid with space-around and space-between
Multiple tracks in a track-list with auto-fill
Multiple tracks in a track-list with auto-fill and minmax()
Percentage based grids and gaps
auto-fill vs. auto-fit
Using nth-child() to set up your grid-area
Use the Photo Module to Create a Responsive Modular Grid
Use the Posts Module to Create a Three-Part Horizontal Masonry Grid
Row Content Width: Full-Width Background and Fixed Content
Use the Post Module to Create a Responsive Modular Grid